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Found 20747 results for any of the keywords a high resolution. Time 0.009 seconds.
AXIS OS PortalAXIS OS is our operating system for edge devices. It’s used in more than 400 products with the broadest partner application reach in the security industry. It’s a Linux-based OS that’s built around openness, transparency
Amodel4hireA wide variety of photographs by John Hutchison, photos are mainly taken in Norfolk Suffolk with collections taken in London and other locations. Most photos are available to purchase a high resolution image for one ti
Press Room - Malane Newman Design | Malane NewmanIn this section, you will find a variety of media kit items representing Malane Newman Design such as a high resolution logo that can be downloaded. Just click
UAV Ontario Get Impeccable Detail With UAV Ontario s Orthomosaic DroneDo you want an orthomosaic drone mapping to showcase your property in a high resolution, high detail aerial map. UAV Ontario can help...
image segmentation | semantic segmentation servicesSemantic segmentation Services is the task of associating every pixel of an image with a corresponding class label and giving a high-resolution image as the output.
Logos Identities from logo web DynamicsLogos for any event, organization, or company. Reach out to us to get started on a new logo or identity for any occasion. This includes a high resolution design to fit the feel and look and audience desired. Your free
Contour Laser Cutter - Mimowork Laser - MimoWorkContour laser cutter 90 equipped with a CCD Camera is specifically designed for patches and labels to guarantee high precision and quality. A high-resolution CCD Camera highly flexible camera software offer different r
Automatic Lensometer MD-ALM-1000 | Automatic LensometerMedical Deals Automatic Lensometer MD-ALM-1000 features a high-resolution touch panel, simultaneous UV and green light measurement, and versatile data sharing options.
Automatic Lensometer MD-ALM-1002 | Automatic LensometerMedical Deals Automatic Lensometer MD-ALM-1002 features a green LED light source and Hartmann testing for precise measurements with automatic lens identification and a high-resolution LED screen.
Labomed, Inc. - Manufacturer: Digital CamerasLabomed, Inc. Manufacturing High Quality Microscopes Cameras for different microscopy applications, image and video processing.
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